How to spot & fix muscle imbalances

I found this picture online.

And it’s the perfect example of a person with a muscle imbalance.

The muscles on each side of your body should be equal in size and strength.

When a muscle on one side of the body is larger, smaller, stronger, weaker than the corresponding muscle on the other side, you have a muscle imbalance.

What causes a muscle imbalance?

Muscle tone is regulated by the brain

Everything in your body is connected, so something that impacts one part of your body affects- in either a major or minor way- everything else.

How do we fix muscle imbalance?

Well your first step to correcting a muscle imbalance is to improve your mind-body connection. Ask any one of my clients and they will tell you, I preach this constantly.

Next we must:

Use unilateral exercises.

Start with the weaker side.

Let the weaker side set your workout volume.

Do additional work on the weaker/smaller side.

Fix the underlying problem i.e. mobility/flexibility.

If you would like to know more on how to fix these problems, you can schedule a Free consultation session with me online or in person. πŸ’ͺ


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