Training for Life: The Story of Cornerstone Health & Fitness


Growing up in Montreal, naturally, I played hockey like every other kid in Canada. But my passion for sports went much further: I played on the Quebec National Water Polo Team, was a sponsored beach volleyball player, and trained in mixed martial arts. So a transition into a health and fitness career was seamless, but not without its challenges.

My battle with anxiety & depression

I suffer from anxiety and depression. Growing up in my family, you were taught to be tough. It was a sign of weakness to show emotion. I also always had trouble in school; only later I would find out I had ADHD.  I felt like I had to hide how much I was hurting inside. I started drinking at a young age and soon found myself using drugs and alcohol to numb my feelings and ignore my problems. 

I was able to hide my pain from the people who loved me by being the party guy, loud, and outgoing. I’d always have a smile on my face, so no one would ever assume anything was wrong. But the drinking and drug use got worse as I got older. 

It was after my first marriage fell apart that really I hit rock bottom. I bounced around from one friend’s house to another, diving deeper into the depression. I owned a personal training studio and ended up living there just to keep the doors open. I felt like I was drowning. I didn't see a good way out of my situation, and a few times considered suicide. I knew I couldn't do it on my own; I didn't have the tools. 

But then I started dating Tara, who’s now my wife. She was like an angel that fell from heaven. Not scared off by my demons, she was by my side when I faced each one. Without her as my support system, I’d probably be dead right now. She gave me what I needed: support, guidance and accountability, and a clear vision of what was possible.

With this realization, I had the will and the drive  to heal my mind and body. When you make something a must, you must first attach yourself to it. I started walking and lifting every day, listening to inspiring music and motivational speakers, meditating, and sitting with my thoughts—for the first time, in a long time, with a clear head. 

I chose to put myself first. And after a while, my desire to change was greater than my desire to stay the same. I was in the best shape of my life. Because I‘ve always been drawn to healthy competition, I set my sights on something much bigger than just being in shape. And if I was going to do it, I had to be all in: I was going to be a Men’s Physique Competitor. 

Ever since I picked up my first Men’s Fitness magazine at a young age, I wanted to look just like them. I admired the dedication it took to gain those muscles, and they looked so confident and happy. So I decided it was time to accomplish one of my dreams. 

I knew I needed to fight for what I wanted, so I didn't have to fight against what I didn't want later. So Tara and I made a game plan and got to work. I trained almost every day and measured every ounce of food I put in my body. I was looking better, and I was feeling better mentally and physically. Fast forward a few months, and I was in the best shape of my life, ready to compete in my first competition. I stepped on the stage against the best of the best. 

It was fate: the competition happened to land on the same day of my one-year sobriety. It turned out to be a very special day for me, one I'll never forget. Sure, I was exhausted from all the hard work I put myself through, but at that moment, I wouldn't have traded anything in the world for the overwhelming feeling of pride I had for myself, and no one could take that away from me.

I know now I can never get rid of my anxiety and depression. But with a little hard work and discipline, I can now keep them under control. I’m happy to say my life has improved drastically. I’m now happily married to the love of my life, Tara Smith, and we’re expecting our first child!

People often ask me  “What are you doing today?” My answer is always “training.” They then ask “For what?” “Life,” I say. I’m training for life. Because when life catches up—and catch up it will, maybe even knock me down—I’ll be mentally and physically prepared. I won't crumble at the first sign of a problem. If life decides to knock you down, try and land on your back—if you can look up, you can get up. 

I knew we had to build a support system through health and fitness, just like the one we’d built for me. Many people are struggling, and we all deserve to experience life’s offerings. When we have a strong support system and choose to put our mental and physical health first, that’s infinitely more possible.

We all need support and no one can do it alone. We need to surround ourselves with the people who can help us grow. People who share our vision. There are strategies, midsets, and ways of thinking that, when combined with supportive people, make it possible to get through even the most overwhelming of circumstances. 

Cornerstone is that support system. We realize that everyone's body is different and everyone's problems are different. That’s why we create customized programs, with the best tools for each of our clients to guarantee success. It’s your turn to heal, and you’re in good hands.

Greatness lies in the person that believes.


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