3 month Transformation Program.

“I have tried everything and nothing works!”

You are waking up tired, barely getting through work, and falling on the couch when you get home. You have tried all the latest health trends, but nothing last. Those days are over!


Let’s work together to build your healthy, sustainable lifestyle.


Today, you decide to invest in yourself!

We get it, you’re looking for more than a personal trainer and a workout program.

People need a community of support with trusted health & fitness professionals—a community that does not try to sell you products or tell you to try the latest “fad diet”.

That’s why we built This 3-month program — to see you succeed both mentally and physically, creating a lasting lifestyle change.

Combined we have over 20 years of experience in health & fitness. Our passion to help people burns bright. Steve is a certified Personal Trainer Specialist and Fitness Nutrition Specialist and Tara has a Master of Arts in counseling psychology, certified Yoga instructor, with 10 years experience in health coaching and education in food science and human nutrition. And together we have developed this program to awaken your mind and body.

With your hard work and our tried, tested, and proved system, we guarantee your success. Our team will help keep you accountable throughout the entire process with weekly/daily check-ins. And our health coaching calls will dive deep into your lifestyle to help you overcome any barriers you may be facing.


“Cornerstone has literally changed my life! I found a new passion for health and fitness, all thanks to Steve and Tara.”

Allison Sklar, Seattle WA


what’s included?

This process is so much more than just working out.

  • Constant support and accountability.

  • Challenges to help you become both mentally and physically stronger.

  • Knowledge and actionable steps to make healthy choices and follow your custom program.

  • A team behind you that wants you to succeed and will do all in their power to see that happen.

This life-changing program will be the best investment in your health and fitness you will ever find.

So let’s get started. Pick the option that is right for you.

Every package includes:

  • Initial Consultation

  • Health and Fitness Overview

  • Custom Program

  • Walk-Through

  • Daily/Weekly Check-ins


Total Package


  • 12 online or in-person private training sessions

  • 3 health coaching calls

  • Custom program

Sale Price:$1,000.00 Original Price:$1,200.00
Sign Me Up

Online Package


  • 12 weekly video check in’s

  • Walk through of program

  • 2 health coaching calls

  • Custom program

Sign Me Up

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