The Story of Allison Sklar yoga specialist

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Allison Sklar is from Montreal, Canada. Her love of learning has earned her a B.A. in Human Relations, a B.A. in Environmental Studies, a B.Ed. in Arts Education, a College Diploma in Creative Arts & a Vocational Diploma in Professional Pastry. She is a certified yoga instructor (RYT-200) specializing in hatha, breathwork & meditation.  

A few years ago, Allison was working simultaneously as an elementary educator, a pastry chef, a business owner, an artist & a jewelry designer. She poured her all into each profession, taking on every task possible - until it became too much. Eventually, she was overwhelmed by the toxic productivity, and she began experiencing both physical and mental impacts, including lack of sleep and severe anxiety. She knew that she had to do something to take better care of both her mind and her body.

Allison began to practice yoga as a form of self-care, a coping mechanism to calm herself in stressful situations. After integrating a short daily flow into her morning routine, she quickly noticed a new sense of balance and restored positive energy. As her mind grew quieter, her physical strength expanded. The therapeutic benefits encouraged her to return to her mat every single day since.

In 2019, she found herself in the green hills of the Wicklow Mountains in Ireland, along with a small group of strangers from different parts of the globe. Yoga was the connecting factor that helped them all to unlock and process past trauma. It was in that moment that she decided that she wanted to do more than practice for herself – she wanted to share her love of Yoga with the world!

Through various forms of hatha, pranayama and guided meditation, Allison’s ultimate goal is to help lead others on their own journeys of self-discovery through the ancient practice of Yoga.


Diastasis Recti


Customer Testimonial: Janet Burley