Customer Testimonial: Janet Burley

I’ve officially hit 100 days since I started doing the Cornerstone Health & Fitness online training, and I’ve lost about ten pounds and three to four inches all over—but most noticeably on my waist and hips! I’m a bartender, and before quarantine I had trouble finding the motivation to workout daily, but somehow never had trouble finding time for shift drinks and extra fries (if you know you know). 

When quarantine started and Cornerstone started promoting their 30 Day Shred Challenge, I signed up right away. I’d been working out with Steve in the spring and summer of last year, and it had been an incredibly positive experience. Right away he reached out via email and text to set me up with workouts and asked questions to get an idea of my goals. 

We discussed how I was hoping to lose weight and get into the habit of daily fitness, so I could incorporate it into my routine once my job started up again. Prior to starting my first 30-day program with Cornerstone, I’d do on-demand workouts from a very well-known online fitness company but never stick with a particular program or show up more than a few consecutive days at a time. 

Steve sent my program email later on the same day that I signed up. It came with a calendar, nutrition guide, three workouts, a one-on-one Zoom workout with Steve, and a nutrition consultation with Tara. I was ready. The workouts initially take a little more than 30 minutes but advance as you get stronger. Comparable 30-minute total body workouts that I was doing with the well-known, on-demand company—with the same weights—would burn around 250 calories per workout, according to my Apple Watch. Workouts with Steve burned between 300-600.

The absolute best thing about this program is Steve and Tara.

They are with you every step of the way! I’ve not been able to achieve my health and fitness goals in the past because of my lack of follow-through and my anxiety about going to the gym and not knowing what to do. With Cornerstone, neither is an issue. 

If I have a question, I can just text Steve. and he’ll send me a short video on how to do an exercise or to answer a question about weight. Occasionally you’ll also get an invite to a surprise Zoom workout, a group nutrition call, or, say, a bonus ab workout. 

For me the best parts are the weekly check-ins. Steve will text and ask how the workouts were or if I had any challenges, and the feeling of having someone genuinely interested in your goals made me show up everyday! After 100 days I’ve added bands and more weights, so I won’t be going back to the gym. 

The other very important piece of the program is nutrition. For me, working in the service industry, my habits have always been a little wacky. I don’t eat most of the day then eat and drink very late when I’m off work. I don’t have much control over my hours, and going out after work is part of the lifestyle. 

I was thinking nutrition was going to be my biggest challenge. I expected to be told I had to stick to a specific meal plan or no more drinks with friends, it was nothing like that. Tara has a most realistic way of explaining weight loss. It’s about making practical tweaks that make it work for you for the long run. It truly is a program customized to your individual needs.

the nutrition journey I have been on with Cornerstone for the last 100 days has been an understanding one

I haven’t felt like I’ve been dieting at all for the duration of the program. And until I listened to Tara explain changes I could make, I didn’t realize that I hadn’t been kind to myself about food this whole time. I feel like the nutrition journey I have been on with Cornerstone for the last 100 days has been an understanding one, and that’s the reason I’ve been able to stick with it the entire time.

I cannot recommend the Cornerstone Health & Fitness team enough! They combine genuine excitement about your goals with kindness and realistic plans. You have to show up and do the work, but with them in your corner, how could you not?

Want to work with us? Of course you do. We send tons of animated gifs.


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“I only wanna lose weight in my stomach”