Why You Are Always Tired 😴


Are you feeling tired all the time?

Waking up tired, tired at work, and all you want to do is lay on the couch after work, barely any energy to cook dinner?

Here are some reasons you may always be tired and how to fix it.

First, Ditch the seat!

Most of us work sitting down, commute sitting down, eat sitting down. Then when we get home, we either sit or lay on the couch. On average an American is either sitting or lying down 8-12 hours a day!

Over time our body starts to slow down, along with our metabolism. Soon our back and spine weaken and compromise our posture. Eventually causing chronic pain.


Set an alarm on your phone every hour, get up and stretch, do squats, walk around your office, just get moving.


Second, cut out the coffee!

 I know I will get a lot of blow back from this. But this could be a big cause of your lack of energy during the day. Sure, coffee will give you a temporary boost of energy, but the caffeine sends your nervous system into overdrive. Causing nervousness, upset stomach, increased heart and breathing rate. We start becoming accustom to caffeine and our bodies have difficulty producing natural energy. Not to mention the effect on your sleep patterns. Too much caffeine impairs your deep sleep which will cause you to be tired throughout the day. It is a vicious cycle. I am not asking you to stop cold turkey. Gradually cut it out.


Third, eat more IRON!

Having an iron deficiency could potentially be a big reason you are tired. Eating more beans, dark green leafy veggies (spinach), dried fruits, iron fortified cereals, breads, and pastas. If you do not have enough iron, your body cannot make enough healthy oxygen-carrying red blood cells.


Fourth, eat more often!

Often people only eat 3 meals a day. They find themselves so hungry by lunch time, that they eat a huge meal that later makes them feel sluggish and fatigued. Try having more readily available healthy snacks. Or more smaller meals. This will fuel your mind and body throughout the day. Helping it burn the right fuel at the right time.


Fifth, focus on breathing!

Being mindful of your breathing is especially important to regulate stress and help the body feel rejuvenated. Breathing in through your nose for a count of 4 and then out through your mouth for another. Connecting your mind and body throughout the day helps break up the mindless work and daily rat race.


Sixth, excite your mind!

Excitement is one of the best ways to deal with stress and anxiety. I urge you to find that fire within you again, something that will get you up in the morning. When we become excited, we release what I call our “Happy Juices”. Dopamine (our pleasure and reward system), Serotonin (mood stabilizer), Oxytocin (bonding-love & trust), and Endorphins (deals with stress and feeling of pain).



It is easy to fall into the daily hamster wheel of life. And let the effects start bogging us down. After reading this you will have a better game plan on what to do to create more energy throughout your day. And remember energy creates more energy. So now instead of coming home tired and flopping on the couch. You will have more energy to play with the kids, get a workout in or maybe start food prepping for the week.


 I leave you with this, be mindful of the food you eat, and the breaths you take. Find passion in life and get your body moving naturally again.





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